Blueberry Yoghurt Coconut Dessert


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, another berry recipe. But in this far from great summer I feel forced to use all the delicious berries once they are there (you never know how long that will last) ! This one is a very quick recipe (not more than 10 minutes puttygen , promised). You can also use other berries, but the blueberries complement the coconut flavor really well in my view. If you do not want to use coconut liquor as suggested in the recipe, try to exchange it with coconut milk or mix additional coconut flakes under the yoghurt cream mixture.


Blueberry Yoghurt Coconut Dessert

Ingredients (for 4 persons):

1 cup full fat yoghurt pizza bern , preferrably Greek yoghurt

1/2 cup / 3.5 fl oz / 100 ml whipping cream

3 table spoons honey

1 cup / 2.5 oz / 75 g  desiccated coconut

1 pound / 450 g blueberries




Mix the yoghurt, honey and coconut liquor together. With an electric mixer puttygen ssh , whip the cream until stiff, fold under the yoghurt.


Layer half of the blueberries in four glasses or bowls (each with a volume of about 1 cup). Top them with half of the yoghurt cream. Sprinkle half of the desiccated coconut over the yoghurt cream. Repeat with another blueberry and with another yoghurt  layer

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, top with the coconut. Chill until serving.



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