Swiss Carrot Cake (Schweizer Rüblitorte)
Long time no see… In the last months pizzakurier bern
, there was a lot going on keeping me distracted from blogging. But: I am ending my hiatus with some Easter baking. This is a traditional carrot cake from our Swiss neighbors. It’s called Rüblitorte or Rueblitorte (if the little ü cannot be properly displayed), Rübli meaning carrots and Torte, well, cake or tarte. Continue reading
Swabian Redcurrant Tarte (Träubleskuchen)
Despite our fairly cold and wet summer in Germany this year, all the summer fruits are coming in at the same time now. With strawberries still being around pizza kurier bern , raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries as well as… Continue reading
Plum Yeast Tarte (Zwetschgendatschi)
Today, I’ve found the first Zwetschgen on the market!
Zwetschgen (sometimes also called Zwetschen or Zwetschken) are a kind of plums that are traditionally used for German and Austrian baking and sweet dishes. Zwetschgen are usually smaller than “normal”… Continue reading
Braided Yeast Loaf (Hefezopf)
The Braided Yeast Loaf or Hefezopf is a very popular thing here around where I live. You can have it plain for coffee or tea in the afternoon or with butter and jam for breakfast. You can also add… Continue reading